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Class I-VIII The session comprises two terms - First Term (April to September) & Second Term (From October to March). There will be four revision test cycles. Mid Term Exams will be held in the month of September. Annual Examination will be held in the month of February-March.


Class IX - X : Three periodic test will be conducted throughout the year. Best 2 out of 3 Periodic Test conducted will be selected. Annual Examination will be held in the month of February.


Class XI - XII :- The session is divided into two terms - First Term (April to September) & Second Term (from October to March). In all Elective Subjects involving practicals, it is compulsory to pass in theory & practicals separately. No student is permitted to change a subject in class XII which he/she has not studied and passed in class XI.


Note :- It is compulsory to appear in all tests & exams conducted in the school. Projects & Assignments must be submitted on time. The cumulative marks of all the test and internal assessment form the basis of promotion to the next higher class. Any student indulging in unfair means during the exam will be strictly dealt with.


Scholarships & Awards

The school provides a number of scholarships. Awards & certificates of merit are given to the meritorious students every year.


75% Attendance of the academic session of the school is compulsory for every student for promotion to the next higher class".